Networks and partners

Networks and partners

The various networks and partners.

National and international networks

The collection of samples and the data it produces are included in and feed into several networks at different levels.

National network :


The CNICS (Centre National d'Interprétation des Captures de Salmonidés) in partnership with the OFB (Office Français de la biodiversité).

As part of the application of regulatory measures for the management of salmonids, the collection manages and assesses all the samples collected by amateur and professional fishermen of these species (compulsory declaration of catches).
Data collection framework: The various items of information collected during the characterisation of samples are used to meet the obligations of European regulations on fisheries management via the national programme for data collection in support of scientific advice for the Common Fisheries Policy (Data collection Framework DCF - Work Plan for data collection in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors 2017-2019).

This Commission establishes a Community framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector, which aims to provide scientists and others responsible for fisheries management decisions with the information they need. An important area of the DCF is the determination of scientific data required as input to annual fish stock assessments.

International Network :

ICES-ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea) is a global organisation that develops science and advice to support the sustainable use of the oceans

The North Atlantic Salmon Working Group (WGNAS) responds to questions from the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO-OSCAN). It is responsible for the annual assessment of the state of salmon stocks in the North Atlantic and proposes management measures to the countries concerned, which are eventually translated into national regulations.

The partners

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