Colisa version anglaise

COLlection of Ichtyological SAmple : COLISA


Labelled a Biological Resource Centre (BRC) by the GIS IBISA in December 2017 and ISO 9001:2015 certified since July 2020, the collection of ichthyological samples is the result of the fusion of historical and recent samples from numerous aquatic specimens, collected by the U3E and DECOD in Rennes, the UMR ECOBIOP in Saint Pée sur Nivelle, the UMR CARRTEL in Thonon les Bains (SOERE OLA) and the OFB .




COLISA is part of the BRC4Env, the network of Biological Resource Centres for the Environment, which aims to store and supply environmental resources (biological material and associated data) securely and with optimum traceability.

The BRC4Env is one of the pillars of the French national infrastructure "Ressources Agronomiques pour la Recherche" (AgroBRC-RARe), which brings together five BRC networks.


This collection is characterised by its historical scope (over 46 years), the nature and quantity of the samples and their geographical origin (national territory).

 Number of samples: 459506

Number of species: 47

With around thirty taxa, the most represented species are salmon: 193866, trout: 156309, whitefish: 39858, perch: 21448, char: 29946 and lamprey: 2871.

Several types of samples make up the collection, calcified parts: 352349 scales, 2115 otoliths and 20946 opercules, completed by 80443 fin samples.
Number of sites (rivers + lakes): 209


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